Rosco Colour Correction Filters

Rosco's color correction filters are high-quality lighting gels designed to modify and balance light sources for film, photography, and stage lighting. They help adjust color temperature, correct mismatched lighting, and enhance visual consistency. Available in a variety of tints, including CTO (Color Temperature Orange) and CTB (Color Temperature Blue), Rosco filters ensure precise color control for professional lighting applications.

Filter Type Rosco Code Converts From (K) Converts To (K) Purpose
Full CTO R3401 5500K (Daylight) 3200K (Tungsten) Warms daylight-balanced lights to match tungsten lighting.
½ CTO R3408 5500K (Daylight) 3800K Partially warms daylight to a neutral white.
¼ CTO R3409 5500K (Daylight) 4500K Slightly warms daylight for a subtle effect.
Full CTB R3202 3200K (Tungsten) 5500K (Daylight) Cools tungsten-balanced lights to match daylight.
½ CTB R3204 3200K (Tungsten) 4300K Partially cools tungsten to a neutral white.
¼ CTB R3208 3200K (Tungsten) 3600K Slightly cools tungsten for a subtle effect.
Full CTS (Straw) R3411 5500K (Daylight) 2900K Adds a more golden warmth than CTO.
Plus Green R3304 Varies Adds Green Tint Used to match fluorescent or industrial lighting.
Minus Green R3315 Varies Removes Green Tint Used to correct green spikes from fluorescent lights.

Disclaimer: The actual color temperature shift may vary depending on the light source, environment, and specific lighting conditions. Testing in your setup is recommended for best results.